Lead Ore and Zinc ores often occur together, How can you identify and differentiate them?

We will guide you through how to identify Lead ore from Zinc ore.

Lead ore is a very soft, bluish-gray, metallic element. Since it is so soft, lead is usually alloyed with other elements.

It is rare to have lead alone in nature. Lead combines with other elements to form a variety of interesting minerals. The most common lead mineral is lead sulphide, (galena).

The main three forms of compounds of lead are white lead, red lead, and litharge. we shall discuss more on the uses of Lead in our next blog

Unlike Lead, Zinc (Zn) is a bluish-white shiny metal that is fragile at room temperature but becomes malleable at 100 degrees Celsius. Zinc is one of the most common elements in the Earth’s crust.

Source From University of Waterloo

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